Saturday, October 3, 2009


Unless someone explains exactly what these light skinned Thai were doing to the dark skinned Thai man's body, I have no choice but to base my analysis that they are eating the man's flesh...

I'm Asian, I understand there are bands of Thai people who eat human flesh, and yes it's sickening. I don't care if it's a part of their culture, you do not eat your fellow kind. These photos need to be submitted to Human Rights organizations and fast if not already done so. In Southeast Asia there is a lot of racism between the different ethnic groups, if anyone is ignorant feel free to read as I enlighten you.

Darker skinned people in SE Asia are seen as inferior, like this darker skinned Asian man. Note how the people dismembering his corpse are all lighter skinned Asians? Did you guys know that they respect Caucasians because Caucasians are lighter skinned, not to mention that most Caucasians who tour Thailand are on vacation with lots of money to spend. Don't get me wrong, there are good Thai people who do an awesome job preserving their culture and sharing it with the rest of the world. I'm just worried about the behind the scene people like those seen in this image.

It's when good people don't voice ourselves that evil people get away with shit like that. Speak up. And thanks for reading.


  1. Hi folks,

    I saw these pictures back in 09 but I wasnt able to find any info about them online.
    I received those pictures via email but they werent authentic apparently since there wasnt exif data.
    I wasnt able to track attention of any media in regards to this issue but I didnt try so bad :)
    anyways I couldnt sleep after I saw them (not that I was looking straight to them but still that idea ...
    and the most shocking thing on those pics are faces of those people...
    they are happy and they're enjoying it
    and its not some kind of africal tribal ritual its a picnik - literary performed by some kind of security forces!
    so first Q that came to my mind was:
    is it possible that he was murdered???
    afterwards I tried to google some articles about human cannibalism in Thailand and no surprisingly I found out that its almost common thing among few Thai people and allegedly there is no law that would forbid cannibalism
    ok so I tried to find somebody how can speak Thai
    wasnt successfull
    here it comes
    its pretty clear from those pics (Ive got full res) that they are from some kind of security force (check out 3 guys posing in front of the camera and you can clearly see the front and the back of their uniforms)
    so who are those guys?
    rescue south pattaya
    thai rescue unit
    (I read some forums claiming sawang is bhutan but sawang boriboon foundation clearly says its thailand)
    so make no mistake
    Ive contacted this rescue force but I havent got any response
    well im not investigation reporter so that would be a challange for somebody else
    and I bet that would be a great story

    so take this as challenge yourself maybe :)

    anyway if you'll have more info pls send to

    Greetings from Slovakia,

    dont eat humans!

  2. hi belle
    fair enough for your remarks
    but the Q remains the same - are they or are they not eating human being?

    I believe if those pics are authentic they are eating the guy

    Id appreciate if you could prove them wrong ;)

  3. There eating this guy he is not black ,it looks like there busted trying to find a exit door.

  4. Now Im glad im Christian even thou we dont live up to our standards, we wont prement garbage like this.

  5. Why do you consider it to be sickening? It is a beautiful, and respectful and ceremonial way to revere the dead, and to enable them to be in some way a part of you forever.

    That said, apparently that isn't what happened at all. It is part of a cremation ceremony where the flesh and bones are separated for some spiritual purpose.

    Who are you to judge the actions of another culture and how they choose to mourn their loved ones? Perhaps they think putting someone in a stone or wood box and allowing them to rot, never allowing that person to return to the earth, or become one with their loved ones is savage, I know I do.
